Occupational Health & Safety Policy
At 8build, we are committed to the health, safety and welfare at work of our employees’, clients, contractors, visitors and others who may be affected by our business activities in order to prevent injury and ill-health.
We recognise and accept our responsibilities to provide a safe and healthy working environment, compliance with applicable health and safety legal requirements and the continual improvement of our health and safety control arrangements and performance.
Emphasis is placed on our effective Senior Management to ensure a systematic approach to the identification, elimination and reduction of OH&S risks, as well as the identification and exploitation of opportunities. Our Senior Management will allocate adequate resources with a focus on the continual improvement of our performance.
In order to deliver these responsibilities, 8build undertakes to:
- Take steps to prevent accidents, incidents add ill-health to our employees, workers, clients, supply chain, third parties and members of the public
- Ensure full compliance with our obligations in respect to OH&S legislation, regulations, codes of practice and other requirements associated with 8build operations
- Provide and demonstrate appropriate leadership and support to create a positive OH&S environment throughout 8build and ensure health, safety and wellbeing is a high priority
- Ensure suitable and sufficient resource are always available in regards to health, safety and welfare across the business
- Ensure risk assessments are carried out on an on-going basis and there is effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of preventative and protective measures
- Set OH&S objectives to provide 8build with a framework for measuring and monitoring performance
- Encourage and promote a positive OH&S culture throughout the organisation through the provision of information, training, instruction and supervision that is appropriate to the roles and responsibilities within the business
- Consult and communicate with employees and workers on issues relating to OH&S and listen and act when feedback is given
- Promote, encourage and support industry best practice through the involvement of our workers, employees, clients and supply chain
- Ensure systems are in place to regularly monitor and review our OH&S performance to help us continually improve
- Regularly review this policy so that it is always relevant to our business activities.
Our OH&S Policy is communicated throughout 8build and displayed on notice boards at all of our projects. It is also available for interested parties, and can be found on our website www.8build.com.
Our Health & Safety Policy and Management System complies with the requirements of ISO45001:2018 as well as relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
For and on behalf of 8build Limited
Carl Raison, Health & Safety Director
April 2024
8build Limited